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Mistral Ai Function Calling


  • 首先,MistralAI将解析用户查询,提取关键信息。
  • 然后,MistralAI将使用在步骤1中定义的工具的JSON模式,确定所需的参数。
  • 最后,MistralAI将生成包含所需参数的列表或对象,并传递给相应的函数。


def generate_function_arguments(user_query, function_schema):
    # 解析用户查询
    parsed_query = parse_user_query(user_query)
    # 根据查询和函数模式确定所需参数
    required_parameters = function_schema['function']['parameters']['required']
    function_arguments = {}
    for parameter in required_parameters:
        if parameter in parsed_query:
            function_arguments[parameter] = parsed_query[parameter]
            function_arguments[parameter] = None
    return function_arguments
# 使用示例:
user_query = "What is the payment status of transaction XYZ?"
function_schema = {
    "type": "function",
    "function": {
        "name": "retrieve_payment_status",
        "description": "Get payment status of a transaction",
        "parameters": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "transaction_id": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "The transaction id."
            "required": ["transaction_id"]
function_arguments = generate_function_arguments(user_query, function_schema)

在这个示例中,用户查询是"What is the payment status of transaction XYZ?"。根据函数模式,该查询涉及检索一个交易的支付状态,并需要一个名为"transaction_id"的参数。generate_function_arguments函数将生成一个包含"transaction_id"参数的字典,并将其返回。如果查询中没有提供必需的参数,相应的参数值将为None。

Step 3: Function is Called

The Mechanics of Calling External Functions

With the function arguments in hand, MistralAI is ready to call the specified function. It passes the arguments to the corresponding function, triggering its execution. The function can perform any necessary computations, interact with external tools or databases, and return the desired information or perform the requested task.

Here's an example of how MistralAI calls the retrieve_payment_status function:

def retrieve_payment_status(transaction_id):
    # 查询并获取交易的支付状态
    payment_status = query_payment_status(transaction_id)
    return payment_status
# 调用函数
payment_status = retrieve_payment_status(**function_arguments)

In this example, the retrieve_payment_status function takes a transaction_id parameter and queries the payment status of the transaction. The function uses the query_payment_status function (not shown here) to retrieve the payment status. The function returns the payment status as a result.

Step 4: Model Uses Function Result

Using the Function Result in MistralAI Models

After the function is called and the result is obtained, MistralAI can incorporate the function's output into its response to the user. This allows MistralAI to provide personalized and real-time information based on the function's execution.

For example, if the user query was "What is the payment status of transaction XYZ?", MistralAI can use the result of the retrieve_payment_status function to generate the following response: "The payment status of transaction XYZ is 'pending'."

MistralAI can also use the function result as input for subsequent queries or for further processing within the model.

Practical Examples

Let's explore some practical examples of how MistralAI's function calling feature can be applied to solve real-world problems:

  1. Weather Information: MistralAI can call a weather API to fetch real-time weather data based on the user's location and provide personalized weather updates.
  2. Real-Time Stock Prices: By integrating with a stock market API, MistralAI can retrieve and analyze real-time stock prices to provide up-to-date information and insights to users.
  3. Database Integration: MistralAI can interact with databases to fetch, query, and update data, making it a powerful tool for data management and analysis.
  4. Integration with Natural Language Processing Libraries: MistralAI can invoke external natural language processing libraries or models to perform more advanced language-related tasks, such as sentiment analysis or language translation.

These are just a few examples of the wide range of possibilities enabled by MistralAI's function calling feature. The ability to connect AI models with external tools and databases opens up new avenues for innovation and practical applications.


MistralAI's function calling feature empowers AI models to tap into external tools and databases, enabling them to go beyond traditional text generation and interact with the world in meaningful ways. By seamlessly integrating with external functionalities, MistralAI can provide up-to-date information, perform complex tasks, and tailor its capabilities to fit specific use cases. The process of function calling involves defining tools and their schemas, generating function arguments, calling the functions, and incorporating the results into the model's responses. With this capability, MistralAI can solve real-world problems and elevate the user experience in various domains.

Start exploring the transformative power of MistralAI's function calling feature today and unlock a new level of AI applications. 一旦确定了适当的函数,MistralAI会生成执行函数所需的必要参数。这就像在决定要做什么菜之后收集食谱所需的配料。

# 用户查询:“我的交易 T1001 的状态是什么?”
# MistralAI 生成:{"transaction_id": "T1001"}




# 执行函数
function_result = names_to_functions['retrieve_payment_status'](transaction_id="T1001")






# 根据输出 '{"status": "Paid"}',MistralAI 可以生成一个响应:
"您的交易 T1001 的状态是 'Paid'。"







npm install @langchain/mistralai




def check_payment_status(transaction_id):
    # 模拟数据库查询
    payment_records = {
        "T1001": "Paid",
        "T1002": "Pending",
        "T1003": "Failed",
    return payment_records.get(transaction_id, "Not Found")



from langchain.llms import StructuredTool
from zod import z
class PaymentStatusTool(StructuredTool):
    name = "check_payment_status"
    description = "Checks the payment status for a given transaction ID."
    schema = z.object({
        "transaction_id": z.string(),
    async def _call(self, input):
        status = check_payment_status(input["transaction_id"])
        return {"status": status}



from langchain.llms import ChatMistralAI
from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
# 假设您已经设置了API密钥和模型
model = ChatMistralAI(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY", model_name="mistral-small")
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
    ["system", "您是一个可以查询付款状态的助手。"],
    ["human", "交易 T1001 的状态是什么?"],
response = await model.chat(prompt)
print("Response:", response)




  • 增强型互动:除了简单的文本生成,您的AI模型现在可以与数据库、API和自定义逻辑进行交互,使它们变得非常灵活。
  • 可定制的工作流程:您可以根据特定需求调整AI的能力,从客户服务机器人检查订单状态到管理日程的个人助理。
  • 可扩展的解决方案:随着您的数据来源和工具的发展,您的MistralAI集成可以与其一起成长,适应新的需求和机会。





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