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[Solution] OpenAI API Error: AxiosError Request failed with status code 400

How to Solve OpenAI API Error: Request failed with status code 400

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If you're working with the OpenAI API, you know how powerful it can be for a range of applications, from natural language processing to machine learning tasks. However, like any technology, it's not without its quirks. One error that often stumps developers is the "OpenAI API Error: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 400." This article aims to be your go-to resource for understanding and resolving this error, ensuring that your projects run as smoothly as possible.

We'll delve into the common triggers for this error, offer debugging tips, and even share insights from the developer community. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a beginner, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to tackle this error head-on.

What Triggers the OpenAI API Error: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 400?

A status code of 400 typically indicates a "Bad Request." In the context of the OpenAI API, this means that the server couldn't understand the request due to invalid syntax or configuration. Let's explore the common culprits behind this error.

1. Incorrect API Keys and How to Fix Them

API keys serve as the gateway to interact with OpenAI's services. An incorrect or expired API key is often the root cause of the 400 error. Here's how to ensure your API key is in working order:

  • Step 1: Navigate to the OpenAI Developer Dashboard and locate your API keys.
  • Step 2: Verify that the API key you're using in your code matches with the one listed on the dashboard.
  • Step 3: Check the expiration date of your API key. If it's expired, generate a new one.

Sample Code:

import openai
# Replace 'your-api-key-here' with your actual API key
openai.api_key = "your-api-key-here"
# Test the API key
    openai.Completion.create(model="text-davinci-002", prompt="Hello, world!", max_tokens=5)
except Exception as e:
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

2. Middleware Issues with Axios

Axios is a popular JavaScript library used for making HTTP requests, and it's often used in conjunction with the OpenAI API. Incorrect Axios configuration can lead to the 400 error. Here are some tips:

  • Check the Base URL: Ensure that the base URL in your Axios configuration matches the OpenAI API endpoint.
  • Inspect Headers: Make sure that the headers, especially the Authorization field, are correctly set.

Sample Code:

const axios = require('axios');
const config = {
  baseURL: 'https://api.openai.com/v1/',
  headers: {
    'Authorization': `Bearer ${your_api_key_here}`,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

3. Rate Limiting and Throttling

Rate limiting is a common issue that can trigger the 400 error. OpenAI imposes certain limits on the number of API requests you can make within a given time frame.

  • Step 1: Check OpenAI's rate limiting documentation to know your limits.
  • Step 2: Implement rate limiting in your code to avoid hitting the API too frequently.

Sample Code:

import time
import openai
# Rate limit: 60 requests per minute
rate_limit = 60
for i in range(100):
    if i % rate_limit == 0:
    openai.Completion.create(model="text-davinci-002", prompt="Hello, world!", max_tokens=5)

4. Data Payload Size

Another common issue is exceeding the maximum data payload size allowed by the OpenAI API. Large payloads can result in a 400 error.

  • Step 1: Check the size of the data you're sending in the API request.
  • Step 2: If the size exceeds the limit, consider breaking it down into smaller chunks.

Sample Code:

import openai
# Large prompt text
large_prompt = "a" * 5000  # 5000 characters
# Break it into smaller chunks
chunk_size = 2048  # OpenAI's max token limit for Davinci models
chunks = [large_prompt[i:i+chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(large_prompt), chunk_size)]
for chunk in chunks:
    openai.Completion.create(model="text-davinci-002", prompt=chunk, max_tokens=5)

By incorporating these community insights into your debugging process, you'll be better equipped to resolve the "OpenAI API Error: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 400."

Debugging Techniques for OpenAI API Error: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 400

Debugging is an essential skill for any developer, and it's especially crucial when you're dealing with API errors. In this section, we'll walk you through some advanced debugging techniques to help you get to the root of the issue.

1. Using OpenAI's Debugging Tools

OpenAI provides a set of debugging tools that can help you understand what's going wrong with your API requests. These tools often provide more detailed error messages that can guide you to the solution.

  • Step 1: Enable debugging in your OpenAI API settings.
  • Step 2: Run your code and check the console for any debug messages.
  • Step 3: Analyze the debug messages to identify the issue.

Sample Code:

import openai
    openai.Completion.create(model="text-davinci-002", prompt="Hello, world!", max_tokens=5)
except openai.Error as e:
    print(f"Debug info: {e.debug_info}")

2. Inspecting Network Traffic

Sometimes, the issue may not be in your code but in the network itself. Tools like Wireshark or browser developer tools can help you inspect network traffic between your application and the OpenAI API.

  • Step 1: Install a network inspection tool like Wireshark.
  • Step 2: Run the tool and filter the traffic by the OpenAI API's IP address.
  • Step 3: Look for any anomalies like packet loss or high latency.

Sample Code: No code is needed for this step, as it involves using external tools for network inspection.

By employing these debugging techniques, you can pinpoint the exact cause of the "OpenAI API Error: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 400" and fix it effectively.


We've covered a lot of ground in this guide, from understanding the common triggers of the OpenAI API 400 error to advanced debugging techniques and community insights. Armed with this knowledge, you should be well-equipped to tackle this error and get your project back on track.


What is status code 400 in OpenAI API?

A status code 400 in OpenAI API indicates a "Bad Request," meaning the server couldn't understand the request due to invalid syntax or configuration.

What is axios failed with status 400?

When Axios fails with status 400, it means that the HTTP request made using Axios was not properly configured or contained invalid parameters, leading to a "Bad Request" response from the server.

How do I handle request failed with status code 400?

To handle a request that failed with status code 400, you should first check the API documentation for any requirements or constraints. Then, debug your code to identify and fix the issue causing the error.

What is error 400 in OpenAI completion?

Error 400 in OpenAI completion typically means that the API request for text completion was not properly configured, either due to incorrect API keys, headers, or data payload, resulting in a "Bad Request" from the server.

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